Would you love to…

  • Awaken your sensuality and sexuality in a gentle, playful and grounded way so that you feel more radiance and aliveness? 
  • Embrace your gifts and quirks and grow your confidence in being fully you?
  • Connect to your hearts desires and learn to trust in your inner guidance so that you can create a more fulfilling life?
  • Feel confident expressing your needs and boundaries in relationships so that you experience deeper levels of intimacy?
Sarah intimacy coach sex coach

Sexuality and intimacy has become a huge consumer industry focused on techniques and toys to ’fix’ your intimate life. Yet I believe we are looking in the wrong place.  The answers are within and it starts with getting intimate with who you are. 

Intimacy and sex coaching starts with radical self love and owning your hearts desires.  It is unlearning what you know about sex and reclaiming the sensuality of your human body and intimacy rooted in presence and love.  From this space, connection with another transforms.

If you’re feeling stuck and disconnected from sex and intimacy, and it’s not fulfilling, whether you’re a people pleaser, perfectionist, busy-aholic or workaholic, you know this is the missing piece that’s going to take you to the next level of you. You are an explorer of life and you want to break the patterns holding you back and you’re looking for a gentle, supportive space to make that shift.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  Anaïs Nin 

Sarah sex coach intimacy coach


I used to hate my body and myself, believing my genitals were deformed and I was scared of sex and intimacy.  I numbed out with a carousel of addictions, working in a soulless corporate job and the day I faced my fears, I sailed the ship of my life in a whole new direction. 

Learning to love all of me has been at the heart of my journey.  Committing to myself, undoing ancient patterns of pushing through life, and creating space for what truly mattered to me, everything changed.

Sex and intimacy are now places of deep nourishment, pleasure and playtime.  After years of unhappy relationships, I’m with an incredible life partner and together, we run Making Love Retreats® and love making courses for couples. 

I feel my growing power as a post menopausal woman and I intend to be one of the many re-writing the script of what is possible at this stage of life!

“To learn about my body and my sensuality has changed my life and for that I have to thank Sarah, working with her has been a revelation and a privilege. It has taken me days Sarah to find the right words and they have brought tears to my eyes.  I wouldn’t and couldn’t be in this relationship without our work. It has been an amazing journey and worth every moment. Thank you.” Sally, 59

WHAT IS SOUL SEX for women?

Our sexual energy is our life force.  We’re not taught how to harness this powerful energy; instead, it’s often confined to the act of sex. Soul Sex liberates you from what you have learnt about sex and intimacy, reclaiming your sexuality and sexual energy for you. 

It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-love, tapping into your innate, sensual sexuality, grounded in your divine female body and the multiverses of pleasure available when you are present with yourself.  It’s heart-opening and soulful, and transforms how you experience intimacy with another.

There are 3 stages to this intimacy and sex coaching programme: 1: Soul Love: Embracing Who You Are, 2: Awaken Your Sensual Body, 3: Authentic Relating.

1. Soul Love: Embracing who you are

Soul love is deeper than self-love; it’s a connection to your inner essence. It’s about letting go of chasing and trying to be someone else, and learning to love yourself as you are. We will explore this by:

Transforming old conditioning and embracing your gifts and quirks so that you feel relaxed in who you are (we look at your unique soul blueprint through two incredible systems – Human Design and the Gene Keys).

Understanding what drains you, what nourishes you and what your heart desires so that you have more time and energy and time for what what feeds your soul.

Grow your capacity to be kind to yourself and to transform emotions so that you have a stronger connection with yourself and feel more resilient.

Learning to listen to and trust your inner guidance so that you are confident in making decision and choices, creating a more meaningful life.

2. Awaken Your Sensual Body

Living in your ‘sensual body’ allows for a richer life experience as you feel more present and alive.  This is softening into your feminine being, opening you to deeper and delicious intimate connection to yourself, others and life. We will explore this by:

Clearing unconscious blocks and beliefs that you hold about sexuality and intimacy and releasing guilt, shame, fear and ‘shoulds’ so that you create space for the good stuff.

Activating sensual aliveness in your body through energy, movement and touch practices so that you feel more. 

Shifting from conventional sex to sensual soul-full sex so that you reclaim your sexuality and orgasmic potential through gentle and mindful practices.

Taoist and tantric sexual energy practices to connect you with your feminine power,  your heart, womb/womb space and pelvis so that you can feel both softer and stronger. 

3. Authentic Relating

Authentic relating will shift how experience intimate relationships, current or future. We will explore this by:

Identifying and shifting your patterns in intimate relationships that no longer serve you and get clear on what a happy and fulfilling intimate relationship looks like to you so that you can bring more of that into your life (whether enhancing an existing one or creating a new one).

Learning how to confidently express your needs and desires and create healthy boundaries in both sex and life.

Shifting from conventional sex to soul sex, so that you can experience greater pleasure and deeper intimacy (even in a long term relationship!).


13 x 1-1 sessions over 6 months (the first 2 session are 90 minutes then 10 x 75 minutes sessions) including a final session to reflect on your transformation and your next steps.

Support in between the sessions via Voxer (like What’s App) so that you can ask questions throughout your time together and be celebrated and supported to keep the momentum going. This is hugely valuable. 

Practices designed for you so that you can experiment and embody what you are exploring.

Your Soul Sex Guide – your personalised guidebook with home explorations, guided audio practices and other resources to support your transformation.  

Message me for prices.

Soul Sex weaves together the best of my twenty years of exploring relationships, intimacy and sex and my 15 years of intimacy and sex coaching and teaching 1000s of clients and students with powerful results.

If you are thinking ‘this all sounds great Sarah, but will it work for me?’  please message me.  I am happy to have a chat and will always be clear whether I feel Soul Sex will be a great next step for you or not.


If you are in a place where you are unsure of who you are as a woman, especially around intimacy and sexual comfort with yourself and with others, then do not hesitate in connecting with Sarah. I almost nearly didn’t.  And when I did I almost convinced myself that this wasn’t for me. But do it. I am so incredibly proud of myself for stepping into an unknown and letting it unfold.  Currently I am feeling the benefits tenfold.  Reach out and take the step. You’ll be held in a wonderful container and will learn so much that you never knew you needed to know. It really is the best gift I have given myself in a long time. And now I know my worth and I expect the very highest and best from others too. Life changing xx

Ruth, 48

This time last year I felt lost and that I needed fixing. I thought there was something wrong with me. Now I feel at peace. My relationship is better than ever and we are very happy. I feel that I’ve really found myself and I realise it’s okay to be me. I’m not running away or trying to escape from who I am. It’s like a rebirth. I’ve got more spark and more adventure, more energy as well. If you want to find joy then just contact Sarah.

Mel, 55

I realised that so much of what I feel holds me back at times – the sense that as a woman, I don’t ask for enough space, time etc for myself, I don’t always put myself before other people’s needs – is something that so many women feel. Not just me. And seeing this in plain daylight, that its not ‘me’ letting myself down, its a story handed down the generations has somehow helped me shift that tendency. And also, that its not ‘selfish’ or grabby to put myself first, it’s actually perfectly natural!

Kim, 45

You opened the door to something that I haven’t touched for nearly twenty years. My whole life has changed. Just looking at the chances that I’ve taken this year, I just wouldn’t have done them. I’ve been saying for years that now is not the right time, but there’s never a right time. I went for it, I went for things I just wouldn’t have gone for.  I put myself first – what do I want my life to be, how do I have more pleasure, how can I be happier. It’s wonderful.  What I’ve learnt will change more in the future – it’s a starting point, what can I achieve with this?  It’s limitless!

Marion, 42

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