Myself and my partner Sarah, endeavour to put half a day aside for sexual intimacy regularly. This is amazing because I look back into my early 40s, and I, like many men thought I’d lost most of my libido completely. I’d strayed away from my Taoists sexual...
Sexual empowerment
A new conversation about sex – from hot sex to relaxed sex
I am noticing the emergence of a new conversation about sex and one that I really welcome. One of the things I love about it is that it’s not about Tantra, or technique or toys. It’s what you might have heard of as slow sex (Slow Sex is also the title of Diana...
The curse of the multi orgasmic goddess
There has been a huge growth especially in the last 5 years of sexuality teachers, coaches, courses and workshops etc which is of course wonderful. When I started exploring this work nearly twenty years ago there was very little available and you really had to...
Over the last 20 years I have listened to many many people talk about their sex lives. It’s an honour and a privilege every single time as people share with me things they have often never talked about before and over the years I’ve heard people talk a lot about how...
The power of gentle sex
Learning about sex in the hotch pot way that I did, I thought that I was meant to look sexy, act sexy, and that sex had to get faster faster and more intense as our bodies tensed before my partner and I exploded into orgasm, ideally at the same time. That became a...
Know They Sexual Self
Know Thy Sexual Self! If you believe sex and your sexual expression ‘should’ look a certain way or that you ‘should’ just know what to do and how to do it, watch to find out: Ignite Your Sexuality is a YouTube series where Sarah Rose Bright shares inspiring and...
What Does “Successful Sex” Look Like?
What does "successful sex" look like? In this video, Sarah Rose Bright shares the very common myth of what "successful sex" ‘should’ look like and the truth about "successful sex". Watch to discover both the myth and the truth. Changing this belief alone can transform...
Is My Vulva Ugly?
(Estimated reading time 8 minutes) Women often share with me that they think their vagina is ugly, and when they say vagina, they really mean their vulva - the external area of the female genitals, vagina being the inside area. Watch the video below or read the...