sex coach

It’s not sex you’re craving – it’s intimacy

It’s not sex you’re craving – it’s intimacy

  There are so many couples I have worked with who share with me that they thought they wanted more sex and they realised that what was really missing, was intimacy. There is a very common dynamic. Early on in the relationship, sex starts off great and then for a...

Why it’s important to prioritise your relationship

Why it’s important to prioritise your relationship

One of the biggest and most damaging myths about relationships is that they should happen naturally and effortlessly, and if they don’t, then something is potentially wrong with you, your partner or your relationship. So many couples have shared this fear with me over...

The curse of the multi orgasmic goddess

The curse of the multi orgasmic goddess

  There has been a huge growth especially in the last 5 years of sexuality teachers, coaches, courses and workshops etc which is of course wonderful.  When I started exploring this work nearly twenty years ago there was very little available and you really had to...



Over the last 20 years I have listened to many many people talk about their sex lives. It’s an honour and a privilege every single time as people share with me things they have often never talked about before and over the years I’ve heard people talk a lot about how...

Meet Susan & Jen

Meet Susan & Jen

  Susan came to the course feeling shut off from her sexual energy, and as she described ‘hopeless’ about her future. This course was her final attempt to see if change was possible and as she shared, her life has completely changed, more than she ever thought...

It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’

It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’

  It is okay to not like the word ‘pussy’. It doesn’t make you any less of a sexual being. You can be an empowered sexual, sensual woman and never use the word ‘pussy’. In recent years there has been a wave of women reclaiming the word ‘pussy’. I know women and...

The power of gentle sex

The power of gentle sex

Learning about sex in the hotch pot way that I did, I thought that I was meant to look sexy, act sexy, and that sex had to get faster faster and more intense as our bodies tensed before my partner and I exploded into orgasm, ideally at the same time. That became a...